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Can I see the data for multiple classes?

How teachers can view study data across classes

Olivia avatar
Written by Olivia
Updated over 10 months ago

Schools with the School Sync package can review the data for multi-class assignments as well as generate custom reports across classes and access dynamic data.

Viewing Multi-Class assignment data

Head to your Assignments page and use the date metrics to find the multi-class assignment you'd like to look at.

Clicking any of the classes will take you to the overview page which allows you to view class data and individual student data.


The classes tab will show you an overview of the classes with the completion rates and average scores. Clicking the arrow on the right of the class will take you through to each class to view the study data for just that class.


Clicking the Student tab will allow you to view the topics and exam questions data for each individual student and can be filtered to show just certain classes that have studied this multi-class assignment or all the classes. You can also filter by the Best Score, Worst Score and Total Study time as well as other metrics.

School sync and Premium schools also have access to data across all classes using the dynamic Reports page where teachers can view up to data data and statistics. From here, teachers can also generate Custom reports that can be downloaded.

Find out more here

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