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Seneca Premium for Schools

What is Seneca Premium & how can schools get a quote?

Olivia avatar
Written by Olivia
Updated over 8 months ago

Free Seneca is amazing. It will always be free and will always be better than any other learning system in the world.

Seneca Premium will take your school's online learning to the next level, with more targeted support, stretch and challenge opportunities, and tools to support using Seneca across the whole school.

If your school has already purchased Seneca Premium, find all the information you need to get started in this article.

What's included in Premium?

Seneca Premium focuses on enhancing students' outcomes by supporting students with 800+ additional Premium courses and Seneca's Premium Learning Tools. Senior and Middle Leaders are able to gain a better understanding of Seneca's impact with student-level and school-level data reports.

This short video will explain everything you need to know about Premium for schools.

Benefits for Students

Premium Learning Tools

Our Premium learning tools help students to learn as effectively as possible. They harness the latest research and student data to focus students on the learning that will make the largest impact on their achievement.

  • Smart Learning Mode uses our smart algorithm, and insights from cognitive neuroscience & AI to generate recommendations of which topic students should study next to ensure maximum retention.

  • Wrong Answer Mode encourages students to focus on the questions they struggle with the most. Students will only see questions on topics they have got wrong in the past, focussing their efforts on the areas they find most challenging

  • Flattened Notes - say goodbye to revision guides! Premium unlocks revision e-book notes for each topic for your students.

Premium Courses

On top of our Premium learning tools, Premium offers 800+ Premium courses for students. These are exclusive courses with new content, memory techniques, and questions. These are great for intervention and stretch & challenge for your students. Some examples of our Premium content are:

More information about the premium courses can be found here.

Boost Exam Technique with AI Marked Exam Questions

Get students practising our 7000+ exam questions marked by AI. With premium, teachers can set an unrestricted number of exam question assignments per class and exam-questions-only assignments. Get your students in top shape for their exams, with none of the marking!

Find out more about our AI-marked exam questions here.

Benefits for Schools

School Sync

With the school sync, student, teacher, and class information is automatically populated from your school system. This takes the hassle and admin out of setting up and managing classes! This also provides far greater administrative support, including being able to reset student passwords and invite parents to our parent platform.

You can also manage the whole school's Seneca accounts on our brand new 'School' page!

Whole School In-Depth Reporting

Get access to whole school data including:

  • Total SLT Snapshot - this provides a top-down whole school report showing data across each active subject department.

  • Target Groups - thanks to the MIS connection we can provide data to track specific groups e.g. SEN or Pupil Premium.

  • Student Activity - draws all data down to an individual student profile level.

  • Teacher and Class Activity - review Seneca use at a departmental level.

Year-round support from our School Success Team

Our School Success Team are dedicated to helping your school get the most out of Seneca. They are always on hand to help out at any point in the year, whatever your question, from technical queries to whole school training sessions!

How to get Premium for your school

Please click 'Get a quote' to learn more about pricing & ask any questions:

The team will get back to your request ASAP.

Seneca Premium is intended for teachers, students and parents in the UK ONLY. If you are in Austria or Germany, this article does NOT apply to your school. You can use Seneca completely FREE. For further information please contact us (

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