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Resource Hub
Olivia avatar
Written by Olivia
Updated over 5 months ago

The Seneca Resource Hub allows teachers to easily search, preview, create a copy of, and create assignments from resources!

Under the "Resource hub" tab, you will find all the resources that have been shared across Seneca. If you wish to see only the resources you have created, you can click on "Your resources", and for your school click "School resources".

When creating a quiz, you can select its visibility which can make it available to all Seneca teachers, just those from your school, or just yourself.

The visibility you can choose will be dependent on your sync or subscription status:

"Public" -> publicly viewable in marketplace, also school shared if synced
"School" -> school shared, only for premium users
"Only me" -> Only the user can view and assign the quiz, only for premium

Using someone's resource

If you click onto a shared resource, you will have the option to either "Copy and edit" it, or "Create assignment" from it.

"Copy and edit" creates an editable duplicate of the quiz which will then be available in "Your resources".

"Create assignment" saves the quiz and takes you to the create assignment flow. This will also then be available in "Your resources'.

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