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How are student stats/data displayed on Seneca

All you need to know about how student stats and data is shown to students and teachers

Olivia avatar
Written by Olivia
Updated over 10 months ago

Student View

Students now see two different metrics when they complete a section. The section "Score" and the section "Memory strength".


Score is how well the student just did on the section. The score is exactly the same as the score that teachers see on the teacher platform. To get a score of 100%, students need to answer all the questions correctly.

Memory strength

Memory strength is a long term measure of how well students know a section. To boost it, students need to repeat the section at just the right times based on the principles of spaced repetition from cognitive science. 

Repeating the section will help students store the knowledge in their long term memory so they won't forget it during their exams.

To find out the right time to repeat a section, students simply need to hover over the tooltip next to "Memory strength". Or they can use Smart Learning mode which will let them know when it's a great time to repeat a section and boost their memory strength.

We don't want learners to go all out on a section, so students can't max out memory strength in one go - instead they must return and study the section at the right times! If a student fills up their memory strength it means they have practised the section a ton and probably don't need to do it again for a while as they aren't likely to forget it.

Teacher View

Teachers can access the student data using the Assignment tab on the Classes and Assignments page. By clicking a particular assignment, teachers can view the overall score percentage, length of study time and the average score. Using the drop down menu, results can be ordered by most recent attempt, first attempt, best, worst or average scores, number of attempts and total study time.

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