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Do I need to pay? How does Seneca make money?
Do I need to pay? How does Seneca make money?

Anyone can sign up to Seneca for free, we do also offer Premium subscriptions.

Olivia avatar
Written by Olivia
Updated over 11 months ago

We provide over 600 free exam-board specific courses. Teachers will always be able set standard assignments, review students' progress, and do everything that you can currently do for free. The Seneca free tier is so comprehensive as we are committed to allow all teachers and students to be able to access it regardless of their backgrounds & budgets. 

Seneca Premium ist NUR für Lehrer, Schüler und Eltern in Großbritannien gedacht. Wenn Sie in Österreich oder Deutschland sind, gilt dieser Artikel NICHT für Ihre Schule. Sie können Seneca völlig KOSTENLOS nutzen. Für weitere Informationen nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf (

On top of the free tier we offer Premium Packages for students, parents and schools. These offer additional premium content and learning tools - such as:

Smart Learning Mode

Smart Learning Mode tells you what to learn and when to maximise your progress for a subject. Once you have studied a course for long enough to generate enough data our smart algorithm will use insights from cognitive neuroscience & AI to generate recommendations of which sections you should study for a particular course!

Wrong Answer Mode

With wrong answers mode, once you have studied a section you can return to it and study only the answers you have got wrong. This really helps you focus on the sections you are struggling with to help you boost your grades!

AI-marked Exam Questions

Access to unlimited AI-marked exam style questions. These are over 5,000 automatically marked, free-text exam questions written for Seneca by examiners and teachers - the ultimate way to get exam-ready! This is available with an Exam Boost package and above.

Quiz Mode

With quiz mode, we strip away the learning content and just give you the questions. This is great for testing yourself once you've learned the content! Quiz mode is available with an Exam Boost package and above.

Amelia AI Assistant

Receive instant support with anything you're stuck on! Send Amelia, our AI-powered chatbot, any question for immediate answers & clarifications personalised to your year group. Supercharge your revision!

Our Premium courses also include Predicted Papers, HyperLearning, HyperFlashcards, Premium Knowledge, Night Before Courses, Hardest Questions & University entry.

Please see more information on those additional learning modes here.

As Seneca has become so popular we have to do this to make Seneca sustainable, cover our costs, and provide free courses to as many people as we can. Details of Premium Packages can be found here (you may need to log-in or create an account to see those):

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